Thanks for checking out the Weekly Learning Roundup. These bite-sized, weekly posts are designed to give you a quick hit of interesting learnings and articles I came across this week.

It’s a motley assortment of tips, resources, and links that will hopefully give you a bit of inspiration for the upcoming week. Enjoy!

What I’m reading —

Trickle-down workaholism in startups by David Heinemeier Hansson

A piece by the founder of Basecamp, David Heinemeier Hansson (aka DHH), that has caused a fiery debate in the VC and startup space. Some argue that workholism is a part, if not a requirement, in the startup world. DHH argues the opposite and has great points to back it up.

A quote that’s inspiring me —

Life always gives us

exactly the teacher we need

at every moment.

This includes every mosquito, every misfortune, every red light, every traffic jam, every obnoxious supervisor (or employee), every illness, every loss, every moment of joy or depression, every addiction, every piece of garbage, every breath.

Every moment is the guru.

— Charlotte Joko Beck

“ah-ha!” thought of the week —

Track your sleep for 30 days.

Something that I do on a daily basis is track my sleep. I use my Fitbit to create awareness of my sleep time and sleep quality. Whether you have a wearable tracker, app, etc., it’s worth spending 30 days to develop greater awareness.

In particular, observing what time you’re going to sleep over the course of 30 days will give you a rough idea of when your body is naturally going to bed. Your body’s natural clock will fit into one of four “chronotypes”. Based on your chronotype, you’ll have ideal and less ideal times to do certain activities.

By creating that awareness of when your body naturally goes to sleep, you can start building your unique schedule around it. You can also take this free quiz to find out what your chronotype is or dive into The Power of When by Michael Breus which provides a detailed look into the power of leveraging your chronotype.

Product I’m loving —

Uni-Ball Vision Needle Ink Pens

My favourite ink pen on the market. It’s a bit more expensive than your regular Bic pen but the performance is far superior. It writes super well on my Moleskine and Productivity Planner. I don’t go anywhere without one (or two).

Featured image by FWStudio.

As always, thanks for checking out this Weekly Learnings Roundup. Follow me on Twitter @peternakamura to see the full list of articles that I share on a daily basis.